

Nearly fifty percent of populations of our society are women. Now a day, it is a global commitment from modern civilization to improve women’s life. Healthcare is a basic right of all human being. Regarding these issues, a developing country like Bangladesh till have far way to go to fulfill these social and humanitarian commitment. Scarcity of quality doctor’s especially female doctors is a great obstacle to achieve   this goal in our country. Government alone cannot effort this challenge.

With such a realization, two private companies namely, Holy Land Private ltd and Sylhet Education Ltd. combined under the common name of “Holy Sylhet Holding ltd” to develop the health infrastructure and quality health professionals needed for proper health and education services. Thus, the Sylhet women’s medical college and Hospital is a output of patriotic and visionary efforts of Holy Sylhet Holding Ltd.

Finally I express my gratitude to all concerned to develop this institute in such glorious position and hope this will continue in the coming days.


Professor Dr. Fazlur Rahim Kaiser
          Holy Sylhet Holdings Ltd.

The college having adequate accommodation for lecture, tutorial and practical classes of all necessary subjects. It has a rich library, medical education unit, electronic library (under devotement). This college is affiliated with Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, registered with Bangladesh Medical & Dental Council (BMDC).

The hospital is well equipped to providing training to students, internee doctors, as well as providing modern treatment facilities for public. The hospital training is recognized for post graduate medical education in different subjects under Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet.

Routine knowledge and skill development programs like seminar, journal club for teaching staff and clinicians are practiced and efforts being continued to keep pace with the progress of medical science, to compete national and global level. 

Sylhet Women’s medical college and hospital univocally committed with government and global community to serve the nation, humanity especially female part of the society, and civilization.

Finally I express my gratitude to all concerned to develop this institute in such glorious position and hope this will continue in the coming days.


Prof. Dr. Shahana Ferdous Choudhury
  Sylhet Women's Medical College